Private products may be created without moderation
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Available -
Ability to invite users and such users to be collaborators
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Available -
We have cypress tests sitting on a PR from sometime ago that need to be checked and updated. We need to make sure that we have the solid foundation for frontend tests required
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Available -
Preparing for having liquid/non-liquid rewards for Challenges and single or multi-skill challenges
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Available -
Currently when a video link is pasted in the Video URL, only if it's a YouTube link, the video and its preview appears on the page. We need to look for a generic solution that show videos from other services as well.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
This enables product admins and manager to create tasks, initiatives and capabilities more efficiently
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Mohit -
There needs to be a link to the created or updated task so a user can navigate to the task which was just created
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Ruth Russell -
Currently attaching an image to the task description can be done only through wysiwyg image uploaded. It should be possible to simply add image to the description by pasting or drag and dropping an image into the description
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Dev Segun -
Currently there's no way for product teams to allocate points on their tasks and specify whether it's a paid or free task
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Yana Canvas -
We need to enable users to provide their preference on getting informed if a relevant task becomes available for them
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Right now when the user submits a profile picture from the profile setting page, the modal stays open even though the picture is submitted already
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Tim Sankara -
We need to show the allocated amount of points to the task and whether they are liquid points or non-liquid points
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Lungile Dlamini -
The current task filteration on OU is obscure and includes irrelevant fields
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Shebuel Inyang -
We need to have a product dashboard where the core team (admins) can manage some aspects of the product, including showcasing the point balance, enabling purchasing points, reviewing and managing contributions, etc.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Ernest Owojori -
Renaming data models, graphql services and frontend mentions of "Task" to reflect the change to "Challenge"
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Ashik Zinnat -
Currently wherever we have skill selectors, the expandable items in the drop-down expand only if the user clicks on the arrow next to them which is not intuitive
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by gaspar Zanellini -
Currently date and time is missing in comments so it's unclear when a comment has been posted
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Claimed by Peter Cooke -
We need a better, clearer, action-oriented popup for unauthenticated users when they attempt to perform an action that requires authentication
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
User who completes their first task on the product should get a contributor role on that product and be listed in the contributor section of product's 'People' tab
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Contribution Guide is a document which outlines guiding information on how to set up the system for the contributions, what are the guidelines for the delivered works to be approved, where the work needs to be delivered, etc.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's a "Target work location*:" in the task which is confusing and since it'll be mentioned in the Contributing Guide, there's no need for having it in the task as a separate field.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Use a select for product menu on mobile
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
After posting a task for example, the list of tasks should update without a page refresh
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's no way to set the priority of the tasks during the task creation and we need to be able to set it in the task modal
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Improve the left-side menu in the product view
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Product Admin role currently can't e.g. Add Task
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Contributors who already have a claimed task should receive an error when trying to claim a new task on the same product with an error message which includes the currently claimed tasks
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
The new task form should always have the reviewer automatically set to a value that can be overridden
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
There needs to be a possibility to create tasks under an initiative or a capability right from within the initiative or capability page.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
The default Reviewer in the Task modal creation should be prefilled with the current user who's creating the task but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Create a model that has all the content in a single place for fast loading of listings of Tasks
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Task Creation / Editing: Use Antd Tree Select for selecting Capability
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's a field for setting stacks in the capabilities while editing. Capabilities do not have stacks themselves but instead the tasks that related to them have stacks.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
In certain cases, when a change is applied, the frontend doesn't show the changes and the user have to refresh the page to see the latest state including changes
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
personproduct role listings in admin console have the id of the role whereas they should display e.g. "Manager", "Admin" etc.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
- there should be a way to set the priority in the task creation / updating modal - the task reviewer field in the task creation / updating modal should be pre-filled with the current user who's creating the task
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
"Sign In" should not go to switch-test-user in production
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's a field in task creation modal and task detail page which is called Stack and it needs to be renamed to "Skills Required"
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Product task list performance in Google Lighthouse needs to improve, along with SEO
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Current performance and SEO not acceptable according to Google Lighthouse
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
When users click on their username in the header, "Your Profile" should the the first item from the drop down which brings the user to the user's profile
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
We need to go through all screens and make sure that our platform is responsive on small devices such as mobile.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
We would have three licenses. OU managed PF, Self managed PF, Developer local instance. For Stackoverflow launch, we would onlyneed the developer local instance.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Users contribution needs to be reviewed by admins or managers and they can either approve or reject the contribution.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Tasks listed on homepage, clearer UX. Products on second tab.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Add about page. Create CreateProductRequest model and connect to "Add Product" form in authenticated manner. Remove "Find Talent" and search from top bar.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
We need a footer on the site with links: Enterprise Customers Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms of Use
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
There needs to be a sign up button as a main call to action in the navbar and the navbar elements should become responsive
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently we have "stacks" in several places in data model and "Required Skills" in the UI, we need to be more deliberate
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Tidy up user-related models
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Ensure UX is clear and effective
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Anywhere in the code including the UI where we have a mentioned of Product Map should be renamed to Product Tree
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Contributors should be prompted to provide a delivery message when they submit their work for review. Core teams should be able to read the delivery message while reviewing a submitted work.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's no way to open a side bar item (e.g. Product Tree) in a new tab by holding down the control button – or the command key on a Mac computer or simply right clicking doesn't show an option to open the link in the new tab
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
While updating a task in the task update modal, if no additional change are made, it shows an Error "Error with task updating" while it should simply close the modal
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Users should know we are in a "beta" phase
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Add cookie popup notification and ensure policies are serving
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
"Join us on Discord" link under logo pointing to https://discord.gg/T3xevYvWey
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently in many places where the user is mentioned (e.g. the assignee field of a task), the profile picture of the user is not shown and instead a default avatar is presented
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently once an initiative is set on a task, it's impossible to remove it to leave the initiative field empty
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
If a priority of a task is switched on the task list page, a message shows that the update was successful while in reality the new priority of the task is not persisted
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
When changing a task status from Claimed to Available, the task should be freed up and the assignee tasks should go away
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently the tasks category and skills are not being shown on the task previews on the portfolio. Furthermore, the skills and expertise of the user is not shown identical to the design on the profile.
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently when the task is submitted for review, there's no information about whom submitted it for review inside the task
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently all the initiatives that ever existed on the product is listed in the initiative selector of the task creation modal which makes it hard to find the relevant initiatives
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Upon clicking on "Add a new guide", an error will be shown "An unexpected error has occurred."
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently the number of available initiatives shown on the product also includes the completed initiatives which is wrong
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
We need to collect permissions from users to inform them when a new task becomes available that matches their skill set
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently the elements on the header are not in the vertically aligned in the center of the header
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
adjustments to the default displayed tasks
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
We need to show which skill and expertise are required for completing the task on both the challenge card and challenge detail page
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently, the privacy banner is shown on top of the page on the mobile screen which is not a standard design pattern
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Upon rejection of a task, the product admin should get a prompt on whether they want to make the task available or leave it In Progress under the current person who has it claimed
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)
Done -
Currently there's no notification system on OpenUnited. The goal is to develop the notification system and add the notification email to a couple of events (task claim and task submission).
Full-stack Development (Python, Django)